Homonyms and Homophones


Homonyms are two or more words, which have same or similar pronunciation as another but with different meaning and origin and usually a different spelling.

Homophones are two or more letters or groups of letters representing the same speech sound.

The following is a list of some words commonly confused and misused:

1.            Accept, except, expect

Accept means to agree to,

Except to spare something out of a group Expect means hoping for

2.            Access, Excess

Access means provision

Excess something in abnormal quantity or abundance

3.            Adapt, Adopt

Adapt is to adjust or to make fit Adopt to receive or to accept

4.            Advice, Advise

Advice means opinion Advise means to give advice

5.            Affect, Effect

Affect means to influence

Effect means to carryout or produce

6.            Affection, Affectation

Affection means feelings and emotions of attachment Affectation means false display or artificial show of emotions

7.            Ascent, Assent

Ascent means a sense of going up Assent is to agree

8.            Assure, Ensure, Insure

Assure means to assure life, the future 

Ensure means to ensure a person against or from risk Insure means a formal contract to protect against risks

9.            Bare, Bear

Bare means uncovered

Bear means to sustain or suffer

10.         Berth, Birth

Berth means sleeping place in a train or ship Birth bringing forth or put to life

11.         Break, Brake

Break means to put apart

Brake a device used to check the speed of a moving vehicle

12.         Bridal, Bridle

Bridal is something related to wedding Bridle is a device to control a horse

13.         Calendar, Calender

Calendar means a table or chart showing months and days of years Calender means to press clothes or paper

14.         Consensus, Census

Consensus is a moment when all the members of a meeting or group reach a common decision

Census means counting for eg., of population

15.         Chord, Cord

Chord means a string or a wire of a musical instrument Cord means a thin rope

16.         Collision, Collusion

Collision means a violent encounter of two vehicles Collusion means fraudulent secret understanding

17.         Sailor, Seller, Cellar

Sailor is one who sails a boat

Seller is one who sells goods or merchandise Cellar means an underground room

18.         Coma, Comma

Coma is a state of unconsciousness Comma is a punctuation mark

19.         Compliment, complement

Compliment is an expression of admiration or civility Complement is which fills the gap or completes something

20.         Continual, Continuous

Continual means not coming to an end, though there may be breaks in the action Continuous means no breaks between and end

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21.         Council, Counsel

Council means a body of people deliberately organized for some purpose Counsel means advice or legal advisor

22.         Elicit, Illicit

Elicit is a verb which means to draw out or to reveal Illicit means unlawful

23.         Eligible, Illegible

Eligible means qualified enough for the post or fit to be chosen Illegible means something which cannot be read

Check your Progress 

Write homonyms of the Following

1)   Affect

2)   Calendar

3)    Council