There are some words which are often confused with others because of their similarity in spelling, pronunciation and meaning. For clear communication it is necessary to understand their meaning and usage more precisely. Given below is a short list of such words which are in common use but are generally confused because they sound alike. 1. Accept,...
Discussing Tenses in detail

So Friends ! We come
to a very important topic in grammar ie. Tense.
Tense shows the time and state of any action.
Any and every action and event occurs in a time frame. Hence every sentence too is
referred to a time frame and that is
tense. After studying this chapter
you would be able to use tenses correctly.INTRODUCTION
Tense is defined as that form of...
Prepositions in detail

INTRODUCTIONA preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else.The word preposition means ‘that which is placed before’.The noun or pronoun which is used with a preposition is called its Object. A preposition may have two or more objects as:for eg., The road runs over hill and plain.A...